Please click each heading below for more information.
- BC Excellence Scholarship - $5000
You must be nominated by your secondary school in order to apply for this scholarship. Only one student from each school may be nominated. Please see the career center for information on this year's nomination process and deadlines. The successful nominee will complete an online application.
- BC Achievement Scholarship - $1250
BC Achievement Scholarships recognize the top 8,000 graduates in the province. The Ministry will determine recipients based on achievement in Grades 10, 11, and 12 courses that satisfy BC Graduation Program requirements, including elective courses. Grad Transitions will not be included. Students do not apply for this scholarship.
- District/Authority Scholarship - $1250
District/Authority Scholarships recognize graduating B.C. students for excellence in their chosen area of interest or strength, including: Indigenous Languages and Culture, Fine Arts, Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies Physical Activity, International Languages, Community Service (Volunteer Activity) Technical and Trades Training.
Applications will be submitted to Sardis Secondary under the Financial Awards program in February of the students graduating year, through the Financial Awards program.
The Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship is awarded to 20 outstanding high school graduates who have demonstrated a commitment and aptitude for a career path in K-12 teaching. Winners receive a $5,000 scholarship voucher to redeem when they are registered and attending an approved K-12 teacher education program at one of BC’s nine Faculties of Education. Applicants must complete an online application.
Ambassador Scholarships are available for international students who are graduating from a B.C. public school, independent school, or B.C.-certified offshore school and moving into a B.C. public post secondary institution (PSI) or a degree program at an authorized private degree-granting institution.
In order to be eligible, students must be nominated by the school district. The nomination form is available online. Please see the career center to begin the nomination process.
If you are planning to take at least 55% of your post-secondary courses in French while pursuing full-time studies, you might be eligible for a French Education Bursary.
7. Youth In Care Tuition Waiver Program
This program provides grants of up to $5,500 per program year to former B.C. youth in care
students between 19 and 24 years of age. Students may receive a maximum of four grants.
Student Aid BC offers many programs that can help with the cost of post-secondary education. Student loans for full time or part time study must be repaid. Grants and scholarships are available in a number of areas and do not have to be repaid. Some popular links are included below:
Assistance program for students with permanent disabilities
BC Access Grant for Students with permanent disabilities
- Chinese Government Scholarship
The Chinese government offers scholarships to students from British Columbia to study at a Chinese university. It is a valuable opportunity to gain exposure to Chinese language, culture and business practices, and to develop enriching, life-long relationships.